Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Peter Jansen

Peter Jansen (1956) studied Physics and Philosophy at the university.For a number of years he worked as a guide, accompanying groups on survival and canoe trips, after which he dedicated his live entirely to the arts.Based on his ideas on transposition and movement the artist uses shapes of the human body to create energetic spaces.In his earlier works he focused on open spaces, created almost free of matter and weight.In his recent sculptures he captures sequences of human movements in space and time, in a single frame.

More of Peter Jansen‘s amazing sculptures can be found across the Internet.


8 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Peter Jansen

  1. Well that is one possitive thing about internet, you can find a lot of great art you otherwise would not know about. People are often so negative about he internet saying it is full of junk but you get what you are looking for, don’t you ?Have a fun week Claudia !! Enjoy your freedom !!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You know..I had a weird navigation experience too. He does have a website, but one wrong click and I went to that page too. Think I will delete that link. Thanks for looking out for me!❤

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Those are amazing, but when I went to the website and clicked on the Animations tab, I was taken to a site that promoted some sort of stock market trading (and the same thing happened twice), and also the News tab had only two events, one from 2008 and one from 2009, so I would be a little wary.


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