Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Micah Ofstedahl

Micah Ofstedahl is an artist from Austin, Minnesota who enjoys creating what some have called abstract surrealism.Inspired at a young age by the art of Salvador Dali, Ofstedahl went on to study sculpture in college before focusing on surrealist painting.Ofstedahl’s paintings are semi-representational, and in creating his abstract art he is drawing on the rich diversity of forms found in nature.He explores in his work the hidden sides of reality, his focus often on such things as microscopic patterns in nature and the composition of the cells in our own bodies.These are subjects that biology and microbiology continue to explore, from the neurons in our brains to the fabric of the universe.Upon immersing observers within the acrylic painter’s inspirational environments,  the artist’s glassy, shimmering spectrum ripples are finally visible.“In my quest for inspiration I am constantly being amazed by the hidden beauty and complexity of the world and this is largely what I hope to convey to my audience,” Ofsterdahl explains.More of Micah Ofstedahl‘s unusual paintings can be found at and



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