Seniors (and others) — Don’t Be Stupid

For those of you who encouraged me with my multi-tasking madness the other day, I thank you. Talking with you helped relieve the stress, the pressure, and the madness. I am tasking one task at a time. Sometimes they last 10 minutes, other times 3 hours. But I assign myself to one project at a time.

Well, okay. There are times when I do a little work on the computer while I’m watching a movie. That’s a hard multi-task to stop. But sometimes an old TV Western in the background while I research does my soul good. 

That’s why I resent TV commercials — especially in the evening.

I can’t believe how stupid seniors seem to be to advertisers.

Heaven forbid — we are missing out on a multitude of Medicare benefits, need help dealing with walking (collapsible cane), need lawyers to deal with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma from RoundUp or mesothelioma from asbestos exposure, missing out on extra spending money from reversible mortgages (this isn’t my first rodeo), and expensive car repairs if your car’s out of warranty.

It’s amazing how help is just a phone call away.

No one’s laughing at Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma or paying for car repairs. But to think that “One call, That’s all ” (another obnoxious lawyer commercial here in Wisconsin) is doing yourself and those you love a big disservice.

Young kids not yet near retirement age and old kids at retirement age — don’t be stupid. Don’t think there is a one-stop cure for all your woes. No TV lawyer or TV star is going to help you when you are sick or in need of cash.

It seems so simple, but it’s amazing how many people fall for TV scams.

Okay — for the advertiser, it’s not a scam. It’s a legitimate business. And somewhere down the road they can help you out.

But there are so many other trustworthy ways to get help.

The obvious are family and friends. Government agencies are here to help you figure out everything from filing taxes to claiming Medicare benefits. Hospitals have medical groups and counselors to help you get the help you need for illnesses of all kinds. Even groups like AARP has assistance programs to point you in the right direction.

You don’t need a televised lawyer or doctor to help you out.

Also, don’t be afraid to do the research yourself. Take notes. Ask your friend or your grandkid to give you a few search lessons on the computer if you can’t figure something out. Don’t follow TV promises helter skelter down the rabbit hole that could lead to who-knows-where.

I have a relative who has a half dozen devises he bought on TV: a foot pedaling machine to use while watching TV, plus a pocket fisherman or two. They are still gathering dust and grime sitting in the basement. But they ~sounded~ so promising! So good!

There is nothing wrong with wanting to do better, feel better. Nothing wrong with wanting a better, easier life. We all want that.

Just use your head. Don’t fall for TV promises and easy answers. Do your homework, then do the work.

And stay off of late night TV.


11 thoughts on “Seniors (and others) — Don’t Be Stupid

  1. I believe those who fall for those television commercials
    are closely related to those who fall for
    what the politicians they vote for say will happen
    if you just get out and vote for them.


  2. Another enjoyable read. I like the comment about having a western on while you do research. 🤠
    Companies and people who target vulnerable seniors are deplorable.


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