Life is Love and Love is Life

I am going to be away for a few days…running away with my hubby and my grandkids. So sorry, but there will be little time to post or read or think about this world I have created.

I will be busy fishing, throwing rocks into the lake, picking out t-shirts, and watching Spaceballs. I will be eating corn dogs, french fries, and watermelon. I will be hugging and kissing and laughing.

I will be living like never before.

Ruth Goode said it best:

Grandchildren accept us for ourselves, without rebuke or effort to change us, as no one in our entire lives has ever done, not our parents, siblings, spouses, friends — and hardly ever our own grown children. ~Ruth Goode

Find someone and love them to death. Someone who totally accepts you for YOU. Children are preferable, but they can also be family members, dogs and cats, or good friends.

Hope you find as much love as I will this weekend….


11 thoughts on “Life is Love and Love is Life

  1. I know you’ll soak up the love and enjoy every minute. Yes, I will, too. Aren’t grandkids wonderful? Only things that beat ‘em are great-grandchildren!!


  2. Sounds like the perfect weekend Claudia, have a great time with the “Billy-lids”. I’m off to see my sister in Ballarat and we’re going to Melbourne on Sunday to watch our April sing in an Opera, by Mozart called Abduction. 😊 So I too will be away 💛😊


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