Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Olek

Agata Oleksiak (1978-), professionally known as Crocheted Olek, or Olek, was born in Ruda Śląska, Poland.Olek graduated from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poland with a degree in cultural studies. Based in New York City, her works include sculptures, and installations such as crocheted bicycles, inflatables, performance pieces, and fiber art.Olek is an artist who bases her practice on covering people and objects in crocheted covers; as the artist puts it, “my madness becomes crochet.”The artist is internationally acclaimed for her large-scale artworks and is most notable for crocheting her entire studio apartment, her full-body yarn suits, and for stitching a colorful woolly coat over New York City’s landmarks.She’s also known as one of the pioneers of urban art in Europe. Her unique artworks incorporate people, buildings, and various street objects, for example, crocheted bikes.“Crocheting is a metaphor for the complexity and interconnectedness of our body and its systems and psychology,” Olek shares.“The connections are stronger as one fabric as opposed to separate strands, but, if you cut one, the whole thing will fall apart.”

More of Olek‘s amazing crocheting can be found at



5 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Olek

  1. Two of my good friends crochet, and some of the things they create are wonderful. I have a camping blanket crocheted by my friend who moved out of state and I think of her every time I wear it around the campfire. So special.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My Carole loved doing Crochet and Macrame, and these pieces are absolutely beautiful and intriguingly amazing Claudia …


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