
Jim Croce sang about time in a bottle, keeping every moment he spent with his love in it.

Time is one of those haunting things that can never be saved nor repeated. It can be savored only at the moment of its  existence, its replay often embellished or altered within the human mind.

I am thinking, too, that time only becomes important once it has passed.

Sitting outside this morning, the songs of birds dancing all around me, the wind gently tinkling the wind chimes, I found the perfect moment. No promises of tomorrow, no memories of the past, only the wind chimes and birds and sunshine in my private space.

It was perfect.

Why can’t we create an extended version of this ecstasy? Why can’t we have extended periods of bliss?

Perhaps the gods think that eternal bliss would eventually burn us out. That we’d short circuit after about 10 minutes of eternal highness. Perhaps the human brain is not capable of holding onto nirvana. That there is no evolution in endless nirvana. No moving forward.

After all, who would finish washing the dishes or go grocery shopping for the family?

Time is precious simply because is it is fleeting. Time exists to enlighten and connect for mere moments before changing its shape and color and state of being.

Human beings grasp onto these moments because they want to connect with their inner vibration. A vibration that can only exist in the Now. Like a bubble, sparking and lighter than air, floating up and up for a fraction of a second before bursting into never more.

Think about all the moments you haven’t thought about. Haven’t let touch you. Life is full of those moments. Many moments are just that… a flash of something you’d rather not deal with or are a result of everyday mundane actions.  Moments that don’t really matter for they are just like the moments before and after.

But once in a while we pause. We connect. And remember.

There are millions of memorable moments every day. All we need to do is stop and savor them when they connect.

As you get older you realize that your special moments will be coming to an end. No birds chirping in the trees, no grandchild giggling, no quiet pets with your dogs.

Start savoring those moments today. Take time to get high on life. It is beautiful and magical and changes every moment, whether you can sense it or not.

There is no way to capture time in a bottle.
The only capturing can be in your heart.




12 thoughts on “Time

  1. I think it is nature that make us happy, a beautiful flower, the birds and the bee’s in the garden, babies and kids, just the simple things. But as you said, we can’t be happy all the time, we are not made to be constantly happy, but I wouldn’t mind !!!!


  2. You are right about photos being time in a bottle … as long as you are re experiencing a photo moment of your own. Yet the re-experience is never quite the same, is it? As time seeps further and further in the past, the situation may fade but the heartbeat doesn’t.


  3. I always tended to think of photos as time in a bottle. But you’re right, there are moments so precious they can never be captured that way.


  4. This is what Dr, Seuss had to say about time. “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before it’s afternoon. December is here before it’s June. My goodness, how the time has flown. How did it get so late so soon?” I love that Jim Croce song too. Some moments in time I would love to relive and others I wish had never happened, but we can’t control time. Here’s to more special moments!


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