Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Jason Boyd Kinsella

Jason Boyd Kinsella is an artist from Norway whose paintings play off the ‘Old Masters’ approach to portraiture by presenting abstract geometric depictions that carry existential undertones.Born in 1969 in Toronto, Canada, Kinsella received an arts degree from Bishop’s University in Quebec, studying painting and sculpture before heading into the advertising industry for the next 30 years. But around his 50th birthday in 2019,  he decided to quit advertising to pursue art full-time.Kinsella breaks down the personality traits of his characters into distinct geometric units whose shape, color and size define their individuality based on the Myers-Briggs personality test, anchoring his subjects in the essence of their psychological attributes.On a technical level, Kinsella’s masterful oil paintings are created using a mix of traditional methods and modern tools.Starting off with a drawing, Kinsella proceeds by finessing his concepts with 3D software, playing with the way that the light interacts with each block.Once he achieves a format that recalls the human face or the bone structure, he proceeds to render the image in oil on canvas.More of Jason Kinsella‘s marvelous art can be found at




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