What a Great Dilemma!

I am one of those weird people. (You are surprised?)

While I am often reminded not to cross the personal/professional line, I often blog and share art from my heart, not my bullet points.

I wanted to share that I am hitting one of my bucket list bullet points, though.

Next month I will be visiting Paris, Rome, and Florence with my significant other.

Two weeks.

Two weeks of total culture shock. Two weeks of not understanding the language. Two weeks of discovering parts of the world that were alive and thriving when the United States was not even a twinkle in the eye. Two weeks of exploring, discovering, and cosmically interacting with lives that walked down those stone streets eons ago.

I always fear someone will think I’m boasting or showing off or digging into other’s limitations, so I haven’t been sharing much. I’m a nagging self consciousness-er. And I hate it.

So, just like the other day when I wore grey and white horizontal stripes with black and white leggings with Chinese dragons, I’m ready to cough up something personal.

I cannot wait.

One positive thing about being retired is you can finally dip into the savings you’ve been building up for 55 years.


Part of my dilemma is what to do while I am gone.

Part of me wants to prepare blogs ahead of time and schedule them now and then.

Part of me thinks I should just take off for a couple of weeks.

The other part of me wants to engage in frequent reports of ~all~ the magic. Unusual takes on traditional views. A homage to my theme of unusual art — Creativity in ~all~  its forms.

I follow a few blogs of those that travel and take remarkable pictures. I can never do their gloss justice.

But then, I’m not quite like them. I’d take pictures of doorknobs and public restrooms in museums and chapels and legs standing in line to see the Mona Lisa and views of buildings through water fountains.

Everyone can take a picture of the Louvre or Saint Peter’s Basilica.

Not everyone can (try) and take pictures of the Vatican from the back door.

But should I?






7 thoughts on “What a Great Dilemma!

  1. I am so happy for you. Enjoy every second of it. And don’t fear the different languages, almost everyone in Europe speaks English, some can speak well but others do their best. But in tourist locations, hotels, restaurants it won’t be a problem. And you take pictures from whatever you like, it’s your trip. Just go with the flow and enjoy. You will be a different person when you return. Why not make a travel journal when you sit and have a drink on a terrace in Paris, or elsewhere, it is always fun to read about it later. Enjoy !!!!!


  2. Take the pictures that make you happy and most people speak English, but I did use the few words of French I memorized before I left for Paris and they came in handy. I found everyone to be so nice. I ‘m sure you’ll have a fabulous time. And I wouldn’t worry about blogging. Just go and have fun.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I am leaning towards that. Even though I’ll have WiFi over there, it might be more fun to sit on a hotel roof garden and have a glass of wine 🍷 instead of trying to send pictures that surely can wait!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I think you should just go and enjoy every moment and not worry about your blog. You can tell us about the trip when you return and share any pictures you wish. Personally I would love to see photos of door knobs and views of buildings through water fountains.


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