Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Robert de la Torre

In Microcosmos, photographer Roberto de la Torre centers his lens on the celebratory costumes of the entroido.Held extensively in his house area of Galicia (Spain)  around Lent and the shift from winter to spring, entroidos are annual gastronomic carnivals during which meals and dance are plentiful. Elaborate costumes and masks are essential for participation, which de la Torre documents.
In his photograph series Microcosmos, de la Torre presents a hierophantic landscape  — places where the existence of the sacred becomes present.It is a landscape which manifests itself through the objects of our usual cosmos as something completely opposed to the profane world.Many of the masked figures the artist portrays in Microcosmos go out in ritual celebrations in isolated places very far from the big cities.“The thematic base of my work are ancestral beliefs and ancient deities,”  de la Torre shares.“The creative technical process of the image itself is inspired by the paintings of religious icons.”

More of Roberto de la Torre ‘s remarkable costumes and photographs can be found at and /




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