Totally Useless Facts

I can tell I’m getting cabin fever already — it’s not even the end of January and I’m already restless and occasionally worthless. I don’t feel like writing, I don’t feel like crafting, reading puts me to sleep. 

It’s this late sunrise/early sunset that throws what circadian rhythm I have left off into a whirling dervish. 

So to fulfill my antsy pantsiness, here are a few totally useless facts that will make you smile. 


  • The King of Hearts is the only king in a deck of cards without a mustache. (I wonder if he feels left out.)


  • “Dreamt” is the only word in the English language that ends with “mt.” (MmmHmm…mt)


  • Pogonophobia is the fear of beards. (maybe that’s what the King of Hearts has!)


  • If you open your eyes in a pitch-black room, the color you’ll see is called “eigengrau.” (I thought it was just called black.)


  •  “Tesseradecades,” “aftercataracts,” and “sweaterdresses” are the longest words you can type using only your left hand. (I see you all trying a bunch of words holding your right arm behind your back.)


  • It’s impossible for you to lick your own elbow. (I see you trying this, too!)


  • A “jiffy” is about one trillionth of a second. (Sometime during the late 18th or early 19th centuries, scientist Gilbert Newton Lewis defined a jiffy as the amount of time it takes light to travel one centimeter in a vacuum, which is about 33.4 picoseconds or one trillionth of a second.)


  • It’s possible to lead a cow upstairs… but not downstairs. (I can’t say I’ve ever tried this.)


  • The little dot above a lowercase “i” and “j” has a name. (What is it???)


  • Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it doesn’t digest itself. (How lovely.)


  • The little dot is called a “tittle”.( it’s likely a combination of the words “tiny” and “little” since it is an itty-bitty dot.)


  • A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out. (I never noticed.)


  • You can’t hunt camels in Arizona. (I never checked that out in Wisconsin.)


  • Most car horns are in the key of F. (and still obnoxious.)


  • Napoleon’s penis was sold to an American Urologist for $40,000.


Ahem…. and with that …

Thank you Best Life and Thought Catalog for spicing up my boring day.



16 thoughts on “Totally Useless Facts

  1. I am right there under the blanket next to you on the sofa! I KNOW it will all come back the next sunny 40 degree day, but these January and February days encourage you to nod and snuggle and make your mind a blank cloud. Don’t worry — soon you’ll be back at your “I have too many things to do!” days!


  2. I hope to never get that close to a crocodile! 😆

    The title of your post made me laugh. After reading your list I’d say it may be more useful than many things we encounter.


  3. A tittle…perfect. The whole cow thing will not impact my life, since I would have lunch with her in the garden, no stairs involved. I have never seen a camel walking around Chicago, so no worries. I’m not sure how to pronounce the color we seen in the dark but that’s interesting, since like you…I thought it was just black. This was such a fun post. Really enjoyed it and I can barely function in this weather. Hibernation is pulling at me.


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