Practicing My Sigh

It is the end of the night. I have gone grocery shopping, given the doggie her bonie, and watched The Twilight Zone. But after my busy day, I am still looking longingly and sighing at my dead computer. As you recall, my charging cord is 4 hours away, and no one is going that way for a couple of weeks.

My friend Ivor (, my friend and a really fine poet (check him out!) is in worse shape than me. His computer is broken…taken apart, in pieces, finuto. He manages to post via phone and the library.

I should be so versatile.

I would rather gaze longingly at my uncharged computer, lamenting the fact that the charging cord is four hours away.  And no one is going that way for at least two weeks.

I do have a couple of OLD computers that I think I’ll convert into  modern day word processors. I still can research artists for my Gallery during my lunch hour, and here I am with my IPad.

So what all this pseudo complaining just shows me that if I want to write …really want to fulfill my passion…I have to find a way to do it. Not give up. Persevere. Go for it.

This is what all artists do. Don’t have Cerulean blue for your painting?  use turquoise! Run out of gold beads? Use copper! Maybe the change is not what you planned. You don’t care for turquoise. You aren’t doing copper, your piece is gold.

So what would you rather do? Stop your painting until the weekend when you have time to run to the store to buy Cerulean? Do you put your necklace on hold because you’ve run out of gold beads?

You have to learn to work with what you have AT THE MOMENT.

Life is nothing but moments. Don’t put your creative moment on hold  because things aren’t going your way. Take the situation and make it yours. Find a way to do what you want to do.  You want to write a few chapters but your computer’s on the fritz? Write them in a notebook. Need to get that poem written?

Do what Ivor does. Write it on your phone. Don’t let your amazing moments slip away. That same moment will never come again.

Look at me! Writing all of this on an IPad! At night! And my spiral notebook will be by my side until I convert my old clunko laptop into my shadow buddy.

I still am going to look longingly at my actual computer, though…



















14 thoughts on “Practicing My Sigh

  1. Bummer ! But maybe it was mend to be and you’ll find something “special” ???


  2. Was this the book you just published? I feel your pain. I need to buy that one…it sounds exciting! I can do THAT on an Ipad!


  3. I’m going to try my old cords first..maybe try some from my kids. The real point is that I’m pissed I left something so important behind. My whole life is turning out like that!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Really, no place around where you can get a universal charger? You can’t borrow one from a workmate, library or a post office, a hotel or motel or local printer?

    Still, your iPad can do just about anything.. mine is quite old but when needs must, it does just about all I need. As for Ivor, he’s an Aussie, so always resourceful 🙂

    I feel your pain though, we all have ‘our things’ and are lost without them. I like your idea of converting your old computers… The time will pass and all will soon be well.


  5. I feel your pain. I was working on my publisher’s final copy edit of my book when my computer died. I wailed, “Nooooo, not now.” But thanks to Windows One Drive, I was able to open the manuscript on my iPad and make the recommended corrections on there. The print was tiny, but I managed. Where there’s a will, there’s a way, I guess!

    Liked by 1 person

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