Love Life#30

In the long run its always so simple.

Love Life Infinity

Love Life#30

What is a good life?

How to define good when it comes to matter of life?

No doubt, we are long to live a good life for our whole life,

but, we just not sure whether we are living a good life or a

miserable life.

Many times, we try to look at positive side, try to do good, try

to be a better person, but somehow, the people around just

failed us.

The hypocrites, insults, hatred, jealousy, insecurity, close-

hearted, inconsiderate, no mercy and many more,

the weaknesses of mankind just simply have failed us.

Under these circumstances, are we going to give up on

doing good and being real, losing the simple and pure heart

which we have been safeguarded since our childhood time?

The answer is definitely NO!

If we give up, we indirectly add more troubles to the people

who are trying to do good and…

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