Prepping for the Big Show

This Memorial Day Weekend will be my third annual Arts and Crafts Show up in Eagle River, Wisconsin, a small northern town set up mostly for fishing and snowmobiling.

I’d like to think my wares this year are better than they were the past few years. That doesn’t mean my first year was rank — rather I feel I’ve “refined” my talents through the years.

My Angel Tears aren’t quite art; not as sophisticated as those I highlight in my Galleries. But they seem to hit the spot with shoppers, especially on bright, sunny days.

I sometimes think about changing craft fields as I always want to learn something new. Painting comes to mind; so does sketching and creating abstract designs out of wood pieces. But I find I don’t have the fortitude I had twenty years ago — heck, three years ago — when I decided to start my retirement off making sparkling suncatchers. 

The start of creating something new takes a bit of planning. Time is the first stop. Can you make enough time in your day to start a new craft? Do you have time to do a little research? Buy crafting supplies?  

Do you have the patience to hone a new craft? How important is perfection to you?

Is the direction of your new endeavor for fun or profit? 

How long will it take to move from apprentice to full fledged artist?

I have learned not to take my crafting too seriously. I am serious about doing things the right way, keeping things clean and organized, and to enjoy every minute of learning. For me, crafting is an extension of that magical energy many rarely tap into.

But I don’t take it so seriously that I can’t eat or sleep or find anything else in my life that makes me happy.

Pleasure should be first in everyone’s life. Especially in Art. Feeling good about your first sketch, your first row of crocheting. Being happy about finding just the right color for your painting or the dress you’re making.

Angel Tears are my happy spot for now.

And if they hit someone else’s happy spot, that’s even better!