
Sign, sign, everywhere a sign
Blockin’ out the scenery, breakin’ my mind
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign?

~ Five Man Electrical Band


Born under a bad sign
Been down since I began to crawl
If it wasn’t for bad luck
You know, I wouldn’t have no luck at all

~Albert King


Suspicious signs
Within your mind
Will make this jinx complete
And now you find
The end of times
When the black cat crossed your feet

~ Paraskavedekatriaphobia (Friday The 13th)”, Fozzy


Had a strange experience the other day with my alarm clock. Thought maybe some of the above music lyrics would make sense of it all.

But they really don’t.

Going to bed the other night, my hubby looked at our little square alarm clock (that everyone has owned from the beginning of time) and said “Am I drunk? Look at the clock!” Since we both just had chocolate milk, I doubted that was the case. I turned around and looked at the clock on my headboard and it said:


We hadn’t had a power outage lately, so I figured it was just stuck. Plugged into the wall, so it wasn’t dying batteries either.

Pushed the clock button. 18:88. Pushed more buttons. 999. Okay. A different button. 666. Isn’t that the devil’s number?” I asked. No response. My last attempt produced a 999 backwards.

I unplugged the clock  and tossed it in the garbage.

Now. Wackier minds than mine might take those numbers as a “sign.” From whom I haven’t a clue.

But just as there is supposedly signs from the Goddess and God everywhere you look, signs are hard to interpret. Since all interpretation is in your head, it’s easy to make a sign say anything you want.

18:88 interpreted by the Five Man Electrical Band would tilt to the hippy version; long haired hippy freaks dancing to a psychedelic number in the sky. To Albert King, 18:88 is just another depressing number in a long line of depressing numbers. Paraskavedekatriaphobia (the fear of Friday the 13th) as sung by Fozzy (whomever he is) could lead to frozen moments of jinxes and black cats.

Signs can — and are — interpreted by everyone differently. If finding an upside down pineapple on your walk through through the woods means the end of the world to you, you might need to start preparing for it. If your find four peas in a two-pea pod, something big might be in your future. If you find a cardinal feather by your bird feeder your deceased friend may have  been by and left you a note.

You can also choose to see things as they are.

An upside down pineapple.

Four peas in a two-pea pod,

A Cardinal feather.

Don’t spend your life looking for signs to guide you. Note such anomalies, marvel at them, take what you can from them, and keep moving. The world doesn’t slow down just because you’re trying to interpret it’s quirks and droppings.

Sometimes weird numbers on a clock are just that. Weird numbers on a clock.




6 thoughts on “Signs

  1. Yes. Yes. I’m all for signs, but unless someone from way in the past materializes in front of me or a bird speaks English to me or a flower starts twirling around on its stem I’m pretty leery about them.


  2. Odd things happen every day, but if you try to find a “sign” in them, you always will find something if you want to find something in it. But most people just see it as odd but nothing more.


  3. I hear you. Big signs. Maybe the love of her life was a jerk in sheep’s clothing and did a good job of hiding his real self. I married someone like that once.. my 1st time and he wound up sleeping with the girl upstairs a year later. Maybe we don’t listen to our OWN signs!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I tend to be fairly pragmatic when it comes to these things, but every now and then I have to wonder. On my daughters wedding day, when she was marrying the love of her life, a black cat ran in front of my car on my way to the venue. I shrugged it off. Then a tree in her maid of honour’s yard split in half and blocked the driveway as the bride and bridesmaids were getting ready, for no reason and without warning. Other than that the day went very well. But a few years later her knight in shining armour let her down terribly and broke her heart. The marriage ended. Were those signs??


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