Great Cosmic Questions for the Weekend

Getting ready for another running-around weekend — soccer, trap shooting, putting in an alarm system. I will never be one who says retirement is boring.

So to bring you into your own wild weekend, here are 10 cosmic questions for you to ponder at your leisure:


  1.  Is what we perceive reality, or is it a construct of our imaginations?
  2. Where does matter come from?
  3. Are bad people important for the balance of the universe?
  4. Why do feet stink and noses run?
  5. Why do we call them buildings if buildings are already built?
  6. Isn’t the word “queue” just the letter Q followed by four silent letters?
  7. Who was the first teacher’s teacher?
  8. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
  9. If you had fun while you were wasting time, does it still count as time wasted?

And the biggest, hardest question for last —

10.  Which came first, the fruit called “orange” or the color?


Have a great weekend!








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