Saturday Morning in the Gallery

Saturdays are filled with good feelings.

A chance to sleep in a little longer, add a little more to your walk, plan for the weekend.

I realize the world of reality and experience are different for everyone, but most have memories of routines that brought order and pleasure to young and old. 

I’ve written blogs and shared Faerie Path quotes about Saturdays — Saturday mornings, Saturday musings, Saturday cartoons, and Happy Saturdays.

I came across a blog about Saturday Morning Gallery Tour and thought this morning was a perfect time to show off some past Sunday Evening Art Galleries for your perusal! The diversity is endless ….


Stairway to Nowhere

Beatriz Hidalgo De La Garza


Niyoko Ikuta










Willard Wigan


Ruby Silvious


Adam Hillman




Rita Faes


There are more — so many more. The diversity is amazing.  I had to stop sharing. But you would love wandering through any of my Galleries. Come stroll through. Any Day. Any Time. Even on Saturdays.


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