Check Out What’s Outside Your Window!

I should have the word “Creativity” tattooed across my arm or forehead or something.

Not that I’m more creative than anyone else. Not that I spend more time creating than anyone else. Or appreciate Art in all of its dozens of forms any more than anyone else.

It’s just that that word is always dancing around inside and outside of my head.

Take my gif collection/selection of Monday.

Others might not be as mesmerized by them as I am. I get it. It’s moving computer graphics. It’s graphic design in motion. Gifs are taking one picture and making it move. Or several pictures and blending them into one another.

It doesn’t matter how they’re made — it’s that they are made that surprises and delights me.

Gifs are all over the place now. They are constantly being created, many highlighting movie stars or normal people doing weird things or saying weird things over and over again.

I find creativity in the original gifs.

The ones that bring waterfalls to life. The ones that make stairways to heaven or swirling galaxies. Or reflections in glass that ripple and mazes that forever hypnotize.

Like I commented to my friend Elaine who commented Monday —  I enjoy them because they take reality one step further.

And that’s what creativity does. Creativity with a capital C.

Artists take every day objects and make them special. Enhance them, embrace them. Change them. Change their fabric or their intent or our perception of them. Artists use a myriad of textures, fabrics, utensils, colors, materials, styles, and interpretations of influences around them to make their own special creation.

And it’s amazing what they come up with.

When I tell you that you, too, can get high on creativity, it’s true. You don’t have to understand every shadow and shade, every cut and stitch — you can appreciate someone’s work just for what it is. Someone else’s work. Someone else’s creative mind pulled out of the 4th or 5th dimension and made real here in the 3rd dimension.

You can do it too.

I know I sound like a broken record. A record with a skip. Ta da BANG. Ta da BANG. Over and over again. But I want to encourage you to explore the world of Creativity. See what the world outside your window offers.

Unique Artists. Traditional Artists. Visual Artists. Musical Artists. Graphic Artists. Gardening Artists. Woodworking and Glass Artists. Calligraphy Artists. Interior Decorator Artists.

You get my drift. 

YOU are the artist.

Go enjoy the world. And report back to me what you find.



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