Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Frank Moth


Frank Moth creates digital collage art – mainly human-centered – from a distant but at the same time familiar future.Moth makes digital collages and compositions with specific, distinctive color palettes, in a critically acclaimed style that is immediately recognizable.Frank Moth is actually two people: a soon-to-be doctor and a former editor.The main person behind Frank Moth has been designing for several years as a hobby and under another name.This enigmatic duo creates magical collages, balancing between what’s real and unreal, to give us a true feast for the eyes.Calling their art nostalgic postcards from the future, they create dreamlike compositions with a hint of romance and a touch of 60s vibes.Their art creates dialogues between different, distant worlds, irreconcilable styles, and unthinkable ideas.Their art is creative, fun, and imaginative. Even if one is really two.

More of Frank Moth‘s creative art can be found at


15 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Frank Moth

  1. Yes yes. I always say — I feel very blessed to be alive at this time in history. Beautiful world, beautiful understanding of so many things, beautiful things to still explore and imagine.

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