Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Horses

A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.

~ Pam Brown






Golden Akhal-Teke


Tennessee Walking Horse


Dutch Warmblood


Highland Pony




Welsh Pony


Paso Fico


Shire Horse



17 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Horses

  1. Yours is the kind of response I truly value. A real life share.I feel the excitement and love you have for these wonderful animals. I love when someone opens their heart and shares with me. Alas, I have never ridden a horse, and I’m too old and scaredy cat to try. But just standing next to one of these “works of art” would be heaven to me. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such beautiful majestic creatures!
    When I was a teenager we took in two older horses, one a very gentle mare the other a feisty old gentleman who kept escaping to go visit the young horses down the road. My brother dared me to get on the back of the mare so I did (dares always got me into trouble). She took me on a wild ride through the apple orchard where I had to duck quite a few tree limbs but I made it all the way untill she finally stopped under one of the bigger trees. I srtill have dreams of that ride and wrote a short story about it for school back then.
    Thank you for these pics. So good to see the different breeds although I don’t see one that looks like my mare. Just an old tired farm horse that still had enough spunk left in her to give a teenager the ride of her life.


  3. Thank you for the heartfelt response. I have never really been around horses, but I believe they are magnificent. A true work of Art. And I enjoyed learning about the different breeds. I hope one day you get back to the world of horses one way or another. ❤


  4. OMG…I’m overwhelmed by their beauty and yet, I kind of wish they were wild and free. I love horses and they were a huge part of my life when I was growing up. I can still feel them and smell them, if I close my eyes and think about them. Soft noses and so much strength. They were always good to me and I love them still. Thank you for this.

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