Finish Your Sentence the Right Way

You know — there are days when I would post 2 or 3 or 4 times if I let myself.

There are others’ blogs I’d like to share, new Galleries I’d like to showcase, photos I’d love to show you, topics I’d like to yammer about.

But I can only take me one day at a time.

It’s not like I know a whole lot about anything. I am one of those who dabble in a dozen things at one time and am neither an expert nor a consistent follower in most. But how can one not want to share other’s creativities? 

I get so excited when I see other blogs and the things they’ve created. The thoughts they’ve had. The discoveries they’ve made. And I want to show you what I’ve found.

I’m sure what I see and experience is only the tip of the iceberg out there. But it’s the seeing and experiencing that wears me out.

When I look from the outside in, it all looks quirky and fun and a little bit on the wild side. Who wouldn’t love to have this much enthusiasm for sharing?

But looking out from inside, I’m exhausted.

Like I said in last week’s blog, I’m Too Old To Be This Busy, this “do ten things at one time” makes me tired. Makes my brain tired.

Working 9-5 used to make me tired. Raising my kids made me tired. Now running on creativity makes me tired. I know it’s not some blood disease; I work closely with my doctor to make sure all my meds are in line and appropriate. 

It’s the mental chatter that sometimes drives me nuts.

Write a blog! Find a new unique artist for the Gallery! Create a page for your crafts in case you ever sell them! Figure out PayPal! Take some product pictures! Call your friend to see if she got the job! Make a ledger! Read some blogs!

See what I mean? The list is endless.

I’m not really complaining. As a matter of fact, I’m excited that others are finding their rhythms and doing their thing and being creative while juggling a dozen other tasks too. Like I always say. I LOVE creativity. No matter what you’re creating, editing, fixing, refinishing, making, crocheting, painting, I love that you’re doing something. 

I just need to calm down a little and share things one at a time. Do something and complete something. I can’t leave dangling participles out there looking for something to modify. 

And just what is a dangling participle, you ask? Here’s a few from Thought Co.:

  • Oozing slowly across the floor, Marvin watched the salad dressing.
  • Coming out of the market, the bananas fell on the pavement.
  • She handed out brownies to the children stored in plastic containers
  • I smelled the oysters coming down the stairs for dinner.

If my mind doesn’t slow down soon, I’ll be doing all of the above.

In triplicate.




10 thoughts on “Finish Your Sentence the Right Way

  1. I’m like you. I have a dozen things on the go at any one time. I have so many things I want to do, that I sometimes don’t know what to start next.


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