Sunday Evening Art Gallery (flashback) — Gary Greenberg

Right before October 14, 2014, I came across Dr. Gary Greenberg and his amazing microphotography. He states, “The miracles of nature are tangible, and they can be seen directly through the microscope. The magnificence of nature lies in its consciousness. When we commune with nature, we become conscious of our connection with the universe.”

Seeing what grains of sand really look like makes that connection that much more real.








More amazing images can be found in my Gallery, or at Sand Grains website.



6 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery (flashback) — Gary Greenberg

  1. It’s amazing to see how it looks under a microscope isn’t it ! All these tiny little shell’s we can’t see with our own eyes. So I often wonder what is arround us that our eyes can’t see ???


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