Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Rachael Pease

Rachael Pease’s lush drawings, crafted in India ink on frosted Mylar, create mystical settings from trees and plant life observed in reality.

Pease grew up in rural Indiana surrounded by vast lands and forests, which influenced her works.Her pieces often start with a trees she’s come across – in the woods, at national parks, and sometime in the city.She takes pictures from different angles, prints them, and stitches them together to make collages, transforming what she’s observed in her daily life into surreal and timeless landscapes that contemplate the impermanence of the natural world.

She also consciously frames the drawings in a circle or oval, which seems to emulate the perspective of binoculars or a telescope.

In some works, the branches of the trees dominate the composition, in others, it is the strong labyrinth of roots.Her work is inspirational and lively, intricate and magical.More of Rachael Pease’s intricate drawings can be found at .

12 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery — Rachael Pease

  1. I am a big doodler at heart. I often wonder how these artists have the patience to draw every line, paint every leaf. I am fascinated by all creative people around me. I’d love to take a lesson or have a one-on-one who knows how to do so many things!

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