Creativity Starts in the Evening

Leonid Afremov

I always have the good intention of going to bed early and getting a good night’s sleep. It’s not until closer to midnight or 1 a.m. that I slip under the covers. I could say it’s bad habits, unhealthy sleep patterns, or old age. I’d probably be right on all three counts. 

But I find that as the evening progresses I find more and more things to read and research and update than during the daylight hours.

Unconsciously — or maybe consciously — I relegate the daylight for activities. Cleaning house. Grocery shopping. Weeding the garden. Visiting the grandkids. Even though I’m retired I feel like I should always be “doing” something during the day so I don’t turn into a slug.

But then evening comes.  Evening is my favorite time of the day. Every day.

TV has been a bust lately. Hubby’s not home three or four times a week. Dishes are done, laundry is folded. It’s magic time.

Of course, I don’t have a lot of energy going into the evening, but I push through anyway, and sure enough, a second wind comes along about 10 p.m. That doesn’t bode well for a long, good night’s sleep … but I can’t seem to resist.

I love reading other blogs. I love researching artists for my blog. I enjoy editing things I’ve written. I enjoy looking around for something to write about. I enjoy exploring other art galleries. And I love doing it in the peace and quiet of the evening. I look out the window, keeping an eye on a beautiful sunset, having an evening snack — what could be more productive?

I just should learn to be productive before  7 p.m. Not 11 p.m.

When is your most creative time of the day?

21 thoughts on “Creativity Starts in the Evening

  1. Right after coffee around 6 am. Or while walking the dog soon after, or in the shower. I try to follow through on the idea right away, before I start to think it’s silly, or no good. That would be a good way to stifle further creativity. All ideas are good, some just don’t work out the way you hope.


  2. A nice read and for me too anytime is good time. Lot of work all during the day and when I rest at times sit on my blog and read bloggers posts and usually comment as they write so beautifully and inspiring and they too reciprocate, feels good.


  3. Lately, the early morning. It’s the quiet house with the kids still sleeping. The chance to be without interruption.


  4. I’m most productive in the mornings. I try to be in bed around 11 then usually asleep by midnight. I’m too tired to think at night. 😁


  5. It varies. I get great ideas lying in bed waiting to go to sleep. Sometimes I find solutions to problems with my projects at that hour. Sometimes I wake up with a creative thought. But the best hours for the actual making are late morning and early afternoon.


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