Gif Time!

I realized the other day that I haven’t shared any gifs lately… gifs for you to enjoy, for you to download, or for you to ask “how do they DO that??” Sometimes I use them for blogs — other times I just sit and watch them move.

Although there are millions of gifs all over the Internet, I thought I’d share a few that I found truly unique. A hot June day is the perfect time to share the mesmerizing and delightful world of Graphics Interchange Formats  — gifs.









You can find more fun gifs on my past posts:

Went Gif Shopping Today!

Been Gif’n Again

Gif A Roonie

Gif Today – Gif Tomorrow

Give-A-Gif Thursday!

Thursday Evening on the Veranda (with a sweater) – gifs





8 thoughts on “Gif Time!

  1. Yes, I think I’ve put several pictures and posts about my place. Search “sanctuary “ on my search bar. Should show several posts.


  2. I love that you have a place to go to write and create! I’ve had various places in my life, but now I am finally getting to put one together just where I want it! It will have everything! Do you have pictures of yours? Maybe you should do a blog on it! Give the world ideas!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love these gifs! Thanks for sharing. The hallway is my favorite. My staircase to my sanctuary feels like that some mornings. Then I get up here and settle in, and the world calms down!


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