Take A Break From Yourself

I’ve been keeping under the radar lately, nursing sinuses, body aches, and job pressures. I’ve been entertaining starting my own copywriting and editing business, wondering what to get two grandkids for their birthdays who have everything (a donation to a kid’s charity seems likely), and just mentally blowing out.

So yesterday I took the day off from work and did nothing.

Yep — nothing.

Now many of you know the guilt that creeps up whenever we are home for a whole day and night and don’t do something — dishes, vacuum, even writing. I have a few more new artists to research, my first book I HAVE to finish editing, and nothing new on the writing horizon, as I am shopping around for ideas.

Well, yesterday was the first day in a long time where I didn’t feel guilty about sleeping in, napping, watching TV, and sleeping some more. (That messed up my night’s rest, but that’s another story.)

Why do we feel guilty when we do something for ourselves that involves nothing?

It’s like every moment counts and you shouldn’t let your life pass you by without attempting to do something positive every day.

Alas, most of us believe that taking care of ourselves by not thinking or performing is not positive.

When the world was silent around me, and I hung up my guilt in the closet, my mind became silent as well. I didn’t angst over news stories or bombings or nut cases or deadlines. I didn’t feel overwhelmed about anything.

It shouldn’t take a sinus headache from hell to make me take a day off and just take care of ME. I really liked doing nothing. Feeling nothing. Thinking about nothing. If only for the day.

Do you find yourself pushing yourself to the limit all the time? Or do you take a day now and then to just do nothing?

You owe it to yourself to take a break from yourself.


16 thoughts on “Take A Break From Yourself

  1. Good! Once you there you will never let go 😀 One of my best friends taught me actually after spending an entire weekend together in pjs, watching Simpsons and eating chocolate she said: If you love doing it, then do it, and there is nothing wrong about it!


  2. I know! I hope to retire in December, but Ive been told many are busier in retirement than their former life! Thats when you need days to do nothing!


  3. Get well soon and don’t feel guilty for doing nothing !!We all need ‘doing nothing” days, many of us realise this when they get a burn-out or a mental break down….


  4. Yes yes! And they aren’t alway in-your-face mad ones, either! They can cramp your body and soul and leave you empty. No one wants that. Thank you, my friend.


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