Get ‘er Done

Do any of you suffer from morning-energy-itis?

That’s usually when people have the most energy — mentally and physically. Especially if you have a lull in your time/space continuum where you can do nothing but think and daydream (breaks, driving to work, waiting for the dog to do her business).

I have all this mental energy in the morning; all these great ideas of what I want to do (a) when I get home; (b) over the weekend; (c) in the short-term. Stories I want to write, jewelry I want to make, landscaping I want to get done, places I want to visit.

Yet by the time I do the drive home all I want to do is crash on the (a) sofa; (b) front deck; (c) in front of the TV.

All that great planning and fun ideas swirl down the proverbial toilet as I run out of energy, money, and drive.

Now, I’m usually still busy doing things after work or on the weekends. My friend complains I’m never home on weekends because I’m off with my kids/grandkids at soccer games or camping or anything they let me join.

While that’s true, I can’t help but feel guilty about all those other things I could be doing when I do have free time. Things I could be doing but are not doing.

Maybe that’s just the Sagittarian in me.

Us Sag’s often start out big and fizzle out before the project is through. I think we get bored at the end of the project, looking for the excitement and jolt of a new beginning, and have a hard time completing what we started.

They say I’ll have more time when I retire. My list of “wanna-do’s” is already so big I can’t imagine I’ll be able to do half of them — especially if I’m sleeping in every day.

Seeing the beads sitting in the sewing box waiting for clothes to be decorated and jewelry to be made, and the outlines of really cool stories waiting to be written, and wardrobes waiting to be sorted and recycled, and the books I’ve yet to read, I have this eerie feeling I’ll only get a fraction of my wants translated into dones.

How about you?

Do you have more plans than you know what to do with? Do you get them done? Does it bother you that you can’t possibly do everything you daydream of?

Or do you just blow it all off and start all over again with new projects?


7 thoughts on “Get ‘er Done

  1. I appreciate your sharing your energy levels. I imagine mine will change once I retire; I will be able to sleep later and stay up later, hence once again changing my energy levels. I sometimes hate having soo many ideas in my head, but then again, I will have to live until I fulfill all of them, which could add another 40 years to my retirement!


  2. I am energy- empty intill about 10 am, then I start slowly and go with the flow untill 12 am, after lunch I have a lot more energy and that energy gets higher by the evening….But I take every day as it comes, sometimes I feel bad a whole day, I can feel it in the morning it is going to be one of those days. Then I try to do paperwork and other little things that needs little energy.


  3. I concentrate on the things I want the most, and I obsessively plan out my time. And occasionally, like today, I have a just screw it day where I just do what I want and push the to do list till tomorrow


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