Sunday Evening Art Gallery – Bansky

Arguably the most controversial street artist in the world, Banksy has developed an entire art subculture devoted to his works. Banksy’s art can impact any location at any given moment.

His identity remains unknown, even after over 20 years of being involved with the graffiti scene. He has worked with many different types of street art media and street art types.

His work not only includes many powerful, often controversial images, but they may also be found throughout the Internet as viral images.

Very little is known about Banksy himself, as he refuses to be interviewed and keeps his identity carefully maintained.

A world-renowned mystery man, Banksy has risen through the ranks to become one of the world’s greatest street artists partly by creating an urgency to understand his character.

Bansky is the most enjoyable artist because he is now. He is everywhere. He is where you least expect him to be.

More of Bansky‘s art can be found at and a wall near you.



12 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery – Bansky

  1. I read they just discovered another Bansky in England. I only recently became interested in his work. And he is amazing. He says so much with so little. I’m glad you enjoy him too.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes I’ve definitely heard of him, and his works are always interesting….. I’ve just reopened my Twitter Acc, and now following you xxx


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