Sunday Evening Art Gallery Blog — Faerie Houses

Are they real? Does it matter?

The world of the Fae is all around us.  Just take a look…

27 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery Blog — Faerie Houses

  1. There is indeed, scroll down the list on the left habd side and you can see the various wats there… easiest is by submitting an eamiladdress. The children’s stories and poetry, as well as family stories are mainly in the early posts. There are a number of pages on that blog also, hope some will interest you. All my blogs are listed on each blog.
    Thanks for your support, Claudia.


  2. Oh that would be wonderful! I have so many more wonderfully unique and magical houses that I couldn’t share this time around…feel free to share now, and keep your eyes open on the Sunday Evening Art Gallery — I’ll be posting more soon!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. If I could put one of those emoji’s with the shocked face in here, I would! I should have discovered this side of you long ago. I love that poem! I hope everyone who reads this checks out your site too. Thank you for the magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree. There is just so much magic in their design! I always thought it would be wonderful to have a little cottage like those in the countryside like these.


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