Sunday Evening Art Gallery Blog — Hair

Give me a head with hair, long beautiful hair

Shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen

Give me down to there, hair, shoulder length or longer

Here baby, there, momma, everywhere, daddy, daddy

Hair, flow it, show it — Long as God can grow, my hair

I want long, straight, curly, fuzzy, snaggy, shaggy, ratty, matty

Oily, greasy, fleecy, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen

Knotted, polka dotted, twisted, beaded, braided

Powered, flowered and confettied

Bangled, tangled, spangled and spahettied

Hair, flow it, show it — Long as God can grow, my hair

5 thoughts on “Sunday Evening Art Gallery Blog — Hair

  1. I envy women who wake up in the morning and still look as if they just came back from the hairdresser !!!!


  2. I am so jaleous on people who have hair, beautiful thick hair !!!!! Mine looks more like baby hair, what I have to do to make it look like hair you don’t want to know ! Have a great week !


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