Seven Fashion NoNos for Goddesses of All Ages

pantsDuring these doldrums of Winter, I’ve been planning my new fashion statement. Or rather looking for one. I’m up for the Boho Chic style (Old Lady BoHo But I can’t really BoHo now, because there’s something about wind chills of ten below and snow two feet deep in every direction that discourages peasant dresses and shawls and beaded whatevers. I figure between now and Spring I’ll gather up some fun things and have fun being a fun kinda woman.

But lately I’ve been seeing a few “Middle Age Magic” women following their own fashion muse, and, well, the sight is not a pretty one. I am all for comfort, fashion, and practicality. My BoHo is not your BoHo and all that. But good taste should always be good taste. I am all for the “this is who I am” state of being, too, but there are some things Middle Age (and older) women should really think twice about.  Here are a few of my humble fashion suggestions:

1.   Leggings and long sweaters and boots can look good on some women. Velvety purple leggings can not. Ever.

2.   Pigtails should only be worn by women under 10 or those who want to play the baby doll thing with their loved one. In private.

3.   Makeup is not a necessity. A fresh face is. Cleopatra’s eyes looked good only on Cleopatra. On older women it just looks scary.

4.   I know it’s sometimes necessary to run to the store in jogging pants. It’s just the nature of the beast. But jogging pants and chuggie boots and parkas are not a fashion statement now or ever. Remember — you are a woman first. Don’t ever be mistaken for the football player down the street.

5.  The office is as good a place as any to try out a new look. Just don’t be the one to test the dress code every time you do. You do nothing but create army punishment for the rest of us, making us unhappy co-workers and fashion enemies.

6.  Did I mention the thing about leggings and sweaters and boots? The older you get, the more you should think twice about it.

7.   Know you don’t have to spend a lot of money to try new looks. Just use your head. Don’t wear shoes that pinch, pants that bulge in the butt, tops that show too much of your endowments, shoes your father would wear, tops that make you look like a sausage, colors that make you look like a clown, or earrings bigger than your head.

There is fashion, and then there is fashion. And then there is no fashion. And then there is deliberate no fashion. Don’t let your steadfastness close your mind to the colors and sensations of the world.

But in the same vein, don’t let your need to make a statement as you get older make you say something you’ll regret later. If a look works, great. If not, make sure you have a great look to go back to.

Be proud of who you are and how you got there. Don’t let others dictate the colors of your feathers. But don’t forget you’ve GOT feathers.

And they never look good in velvety purple leggings.


18 thoughts on “Seven Fashion NoNos for Goddesses of All Ages

  1. Growing old gracefully…that’s my goal at six decades plus. Reversing the years is not my aim, although I would like to have as much quality time as I can with my hubby and my daughter in the years I have left. Clothes are no longer my thing. I just want to look…fine…especially when I’m out in public. I like to bring my best me along when I meet others, whether they’re friends or strangers.


  2. Someone else told me that, Pat…I should have entered that suggestion as well. I myself own only flannels with penguins and snowflakes on them…not quite mall quality…heh..


  3. I always feel that no matter where I am going – even it’s just to the drugstore – I always want to look nice. Because then I feel better. Why would I want to wear something terrible when I could wear something beautiful? Of course, there are those who don’t know what’s terrible….


  4. You’ve been out in public again, haven’t you? Good suggestions that should be taken to heart, Claudia.


  5. And might I add flannel pants. They should be worn nowhere but in the home. Not in the grocery store, not waiting for a bus, not in a mall, not walking down a street. What happens in flannel pants should happen only in the home.


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